🔥 *NEW* For 2024 🔥 ClickBank Platinum Super Affiliate Reveals...


'A.I' Breakthrough For Automated 

$1,000+ Commissions



'A.I' Breakthrough For Automated

Pays Me $1,497+ Everyday

From 100% FREE Traffic!

Copy & Paste System Does ALL The Selling For You!
100% Success WITHOUT Tech Skills... WITHOUT Expenses... WITHOUT Experience...

  - Click To Turn On Sound - You Need To Hear This Message!

Claim Your Copy & Fast Action Bonuses Before The Timer Hits Zero



This Offer Will Expire Without Any Warning

ONLY $97 $17 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!


Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

Our "Set & Forget" Commission System

Gets Us Commissions Like This...

If You Can Copy & Paste...

You Could Get Great Results Like Us!

It Just Takes
3 Simple Steps!

Grab your discounted license before the price goes up

Paste your info & links where we show you inside

Click ‘go’ and watch the system generate free traffic, leads & sales!

You’re Now Just 3 Clicks Away

From Job Replacing Freedom!

(Do it from your phone, from your laptop … from anywhere)

  STEP #1


GRAB a copy of ReFuel by clicking any buy button on this page

(hurry before the price goes up)

  STEP #2


Activate The App’s A.I. "Copy & Paste" Profit Technology From Your Phone, Laptop Or Computer In Less Than 60 Seconds!

  STEP #3


Enjoy The Power Of Automation.

We’re Making Upto $1,284 Per Day, Everytime We Copy & Paste Where The App Tell us!

It Just Takes
3 Simple Steps!

Grab your discounted license before the price goes up

Paste your info & links where we show you inside

Click ‘go’ and watch the system generate free traffic, leads & sales!

You’re Now Just 3 Clicks Away

From Job Replacing Freedom!

(Do it from your phone, from your laptop … from anywhere)

  STEP #1

GRAB a copy of ReFuel by clicking any buy button on this page

(hurry before the price goes up)

  STEP #2

Activate The App’s A.I. "Copy & Paste" Profit Technology From Your Phone, Laptop Or Computer In Less Than 60 Seconds!

  STEP #3

Enjoy The Power Of Automation & AI Bots!

We’re Making Upto $1,497 Per Day, Everytime We Copy & Paste Where The App Tell us!

Simply Incredible:

Simply Incredible:

More than $1,497 in PROFITS PER DAY!

Straight into my affilite account, without selling anything myself!

All I had to do was copy & paste a single line of text into my automated bots...

Activate the A.I. technology and watch the commissions roll in!

That $1,497 is pure profits …

There are no expenses or overhead with this …

It’s all because of a $2.3 billion dollar market and an artificial intelligence loophole …

Thanks to this


(that’s untapped by 99% of marketers) …

We’re easily siphoning 5+ figure profits month after month …

  • There’s NO making websites
  • There’s NO creating content
  • There’s NO ‘fake it til you make it’
  • And NO network or MLM garbage!

In fact, we do this from our phones …

From anywhere …

Without costs …

Because our system is 100% plug & play!

All We Do Is Copy & Paste

One Single Line of Text

To Activate The A.I. Technology

To Activate The A.I. Technology

(it only takes seconds)

… then the system & the automated bots does the rest & runs by itself …

EVEN when we're offline and asleep!

Whenever we copy & paste …


  • Copy & Paste 1 time = $1,497
  • Copy & Paste 3 times = $4,491
  • Copy & Paste 6 times = $8,982
  • Copy & Paste 10 times = $14,970

That’s pure profits …

24/7/365 from anywhere, even our couch!

This is the same AI technology being used by 

Millionaire Influencers on Platforms Like

(Including social media superstars like…)

💰 $57 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $45 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $54 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $173 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $57 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $45 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $54 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $173 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $130 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $5 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $28 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $4 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $130 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $5 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $28 Million 
Yearly Earnings
💰 $4 Million 
Yearly Earnings

All of them are tapping into this AI breakthrough to make Millions per year...

And now it's your turn to do the same! 

All you need is a mobile device and an internet connection!

Come Join Us In

Living The Laptop


Just 3 Short Steps To

Your Dream


  • No more soul-sucking job
  • No annoying boss
  • No more alarm clocks
  • No worrying about money

Instead … pure freedom!

  • All the free time you want
  • Be your own boss
  • Peace and fulfillment 

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

From The Desk Of:

Glynn & Jenny

Location: Somewhere in Europe (currently travelling extensively)

Re: The A.I "Copy & Paste" Loophole That Legally Pay Us $1,497/day…


Struggling Beginner,

Do you feel like you’re jumping from one bad idea to the next?

Sick of getting no results?

How about something that’s PROVEN instead?

A real solution that’s been battle-tested by everyday people including:

  • Tech-challenged grandmothers
  • Skeptical teenagers
  • Overworked parents juggling jobs & family
  • Total beginners who’ve never earned online

Every single person who tested ReFuel …

Made profits within hours of activating the app.

How would YOU like that too?

You See, My Company Has Helped Over

102,487 People Get Real Results Online

For over 8 years, my team and I have developed strategies & softwares …

That have generated happy users hundreds of thousands in earnings.

But what we recently developed … out of complete desperation …

Is 10X easier and 100X more powerful than anything we’ve made before …

Meet Jenny, my assistant!

She’s smart, hard-working and fantastic at her job.

But she also had a dark secret.

One day she came to me in tears to confess …

Jenny’s Mom Had Such A

Shiny Object Addiction...

She had gone completely broke!

This sweet lady had thrown away THOUSANDS on products that were USELESS to her:

  • Complicated eCom systems   
  • Expensive video softwares
  • Social media traffic courses - and she’s not even ON social media!
  • And so much more CRAP …

Bottom line, Jenny’s Mom needed a lot of money just to keep the lights on.

BUT … she was too proud for handouts …

When we offered help, she YELLED at us …

“I Just Want To Make My Own Money!”

From that second, Jenny got to work.

She’s a brilliant researcher and has helped with ideas for some of my best products.

But this one HAD to be so easy & so effective that even her Mom could hit a homerun with it.

That meant:

  • No websites to build
  • No traffic to figure out
  • Something that worked from a phone
  • Absolutely NO techie stuff
  • No need for social media 

AND be able to generate $100s a day in pure profits.

It seemed impossible, until Jenny discovered …

A Loophole In This Underground

$2.3 Billion Dollar Market

This wouldn’t have been possible a year ago …

It’s only possible now because of cutting edge artificial intelligence like ChatGPT.

Jenny realized that under the right conditions …

A.I. tools like ChatGPT and automated bots could be used to tap into a massive marketplace worth billions!

And legally skim big commissions over and over!

But it was up to my best developers to turn the theory into a reality …

11 Months & Over $27,932 Later …

Our ‘From Anywhere’ Income System 

Was Ready

This incredibly user-friendly system worked for us EVERY TIME we activated it.

But the real test … would it work for Jenny’s Mom too? 

See for yourself:

Imagine how thrilled Jenny’s Mom was to solve her financial worries forever …

Wouldn’t you like that too?

So Easy

You Can Do It On Your Phone

While Watching Netflix

ReFuel was built ESPECIALLY for:

  • Beginners
  • People facing a lot of distractions
  • Anyone without free time to spare

Jenny’s Mom is making 4+ figures PER day with ReFuel …

And if she can do it, we’re confident that ANYONE can!

Say Hello To Our Brand New

Automated Profit System

Powered By A.I

We're successfully utilising the power of AI to turn traffic into sales and commissions!

Remember, all it takes is a simple copy & paste and you're good to go.

Everytime we copy & paste a single line of text into our automated bots, we get paid...

Without the need of doing any complicated or techy work ourselves.

Unlike other systems and softwares, we don't need to:

  • Post on social media
  • Create videos
  • Be on camera
  • Send emails
  • Talk to people!
  • Wait months for results

Everything is automated inside the Refuel app and system.

Life Changing

Side Hustle Income

In no time at all?

Regular online marketing is hard work that takes:

  • Hours of struggle every day
  • Constantly learning new skills
  • Huge upfront AND ongoing costs

It’s no wonder less than 3% of online marketers make money.

How about a shortcut that skips the hard stuff …

To get you the results you want FAST!

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

So How Does This

Miracle App Work?

Let me explain!

Refuel creates 100% automated bots for you… Thanks to our A.I-Robot…

That works in ANY niche, it doesn’t matter what niche you are in…

This software automatically creates bots that turn visitors into sales, using our A.I-Robot…

And then generates some of the highest quality traffic to your chatbots… 

But it doesn’t stop here, my friend….

It will then start promoting your automated bots across dozens of social channels… Getting you tens of thousands of clicks.

Without you lifting a finger…

Actually, there is one thing you have to do…

You have to copy & paste one single line of text!

Other than that. You’re all set.

The A.I Breakthrough You Need!


Changes NOW

Today more than ever …

A.I. bots are used by huge companies to turn online visitors into profits.

You’ve probably communicated with a website bot before … without even knowing it!

Ever sent a message to your favourite "Instagram influencer" thinking you were talking to the real deal?

Most of the time you were talking to a bot!

Because they’re so smart & effective …

They’re exploding in popularity and making everyone from newbies to celebrities thousands of dollars a day!

Check Out Our Results

Before & After We Created Refuel

Our Account Before

Our New App…

You can see our account before this discovery looked:
  • Frustrating…
  • Depressing…
  • ​Upsetting…
But since our new discovery… Have a look at what our account looks like now…

Our Account After Using

Our New App…

We’re able to achieve numbers like this now thanks to our new app…
  • We Earn Multiple Payments 24/7…
  • Thanks To Automated Bots…
  • ​100% Done-For-You…
…It’s literally the easiest way we’ve ever come across of getting FREE traffic, leads and sales...

 With This App You Can

 Crush ANY Niche…

It doesn’t matter what niche it is…

This works in any niche from...

  • Weight Loss…
  • ​Make Money Online…
  • Dating…
  • ​Dog Training…
  • ​Sports…
  • ​Entertainment…
  • ​Fashion…
  • ​Beauty…
  • ​Health…
  • ​And so much more…

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

Imagine Your

Dream Lifestyle

WITHOUT Needing A Job

Millions of people interact with bots every single day.

This generates billions of dollars in commissions PER year.

ReFuel pays us our slice and it’s all done with AI and automation.

So we:

  • DON’T have to sell anything 
  • DON’T have to make anything
  • DON’T have to learn anything!

Replacing full-time income with an app on our phones? 

It doesn’t get better than that.

This $2.3 Billion Dollar
Untapped Market

Is Making Celebrities & Marketers MEGA RICH

But face it.

Beginners are not like these people.

Beginners don’t have the time, money or skills to set this stuff up themselves …

That’s why this market is still so untapped!

Well finally, thanks to ReFuel …

ANYONE can exploit this massive loophole …

Just like our beta testers who’ve been cashing in since day one!

The Best AI App 

On The Planet

For siphoning *ongoing* profits without any of the hassle!

Just like we’re doing with ReFuel right now:

  • Banking $1,497+ payments over & over
  • Building massive buyer lists for free
  • Earn without selling anything ourselves
  • Consistent results without making any content!e to sell anything

PLUS... no websites to build, no hosting to setup..

We just double tap from our phones to activate the ReFuel system!

Next Generation Automations Make This

Push-Button Easy

The ReFuel app does all the heavy lifting …

And we love getting payment notifications throughout the day on our phones!

Cutting edge artificial intelligence is your shortcut 
so there’s:

  • No more wasted time
  • No more wasted money
  • No more waiting for results

Many of my students are generating commissions everyday ..

Just by using the automated AI Bots like we show them to.

If they can do it, why not you?

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

AI Bots Are So Powerful

The World's Richest Man
Elon Musk Is Creating His Own!

The more times we Copy & Paste...

The More Payment Notifications We Get!

  • Copy & Paste 1 time = $1,497
  • Copy & Paste 3 times = $4,491
  • Copy & Paste 6 times = $8,982
  • Copy & Paste 10 times = $14,970

It’s just a matter of rinse & repeat.

How many times will you copy & paste a single line of text where we show you?

If you can simply copy what we’re doing …

Using ReFuel’s built-in AI Bot technology …

Then you’re qualified & this can work for you too!

It Just Takes
3 Simple Steps!

Grab your discounted license before the price goes up

Paste your info & links where we show you inside

Click ‘go’ and watch the system generate free traffic, leads & sales!

You’re Now Just 3 Clicks Away

From Job Replacing Freedom!

(Do it from your phone, from your laptop … from anywhere)

  STEP #1


GRAB a copy of ReFuel by clicking any buy button on this page

(hurry before the price goes up)

  STEP #2


Activate The App’s A.I. "Copy & Paste" Profit Technology From Your Phone, Laptop Or Computer In Less Than 60 Seconds!

  STEP #3


Enjoy The Power Of Automation.

We’re Making Upto $1,284 Per Day, Everytime We Copy & Paste Where The App Tell us!

It Just Takes
3 Simple Steps!

Grab your discounted license before the price goes up

Paste your info & links where we show you inside

Click ‘go’ and watch the system generate free traffic, leads & sales!

Remember You’re Just 3 Clicks Away

From Job Replacing Freedom!

(Do it from your phone, from your laptop … from anywhere)

  STEP #1

GRAB a copy of ReFuel by clicking any buy button on this page

(hurry before the price goes up)

  STEP #2

Activate The App’s A.I. "Copy & Paste" Profit Technology From Your Phone, Laptop Or Computer In Less Than 60 Seconds!

  STEP #3

Enjoy The Power Of Automation.

We’re Making Upto $1,287 Per Day, Everytime We Copy & Paste Where The App Tell us!

Lets Compare
The Old Way vs. The New Way...

(In Short, Old Is Hard, Our New Way Is Easy...)

And That’s It!

When You Want More Just...


Here’s What ReFuel Is Making Us …  
(imagine having your account look like this …)

No more waking up to the sound of an annoying alarm clock… 

Rushing around half-asleep... 

Getting ready to commute to work -- skipping breakfast… 

Worried you may be late or get into trouble with your boss... Instead… 

Wake up when you want, to a daily influx of “notifications”

Be your own boss & that's the life that awaits you…

Just Activate The App Then

ReFuel Runs By 

Itself On Autopilot

Talk about the laptop lifestyle!

With this app in your corner, you can forget about:

  • Figuring out traffic
  • Making any content
  • Doing any selling
  • Creating your own products
  • Learning new skills

Because with this AI technology exploiting a multi-billion dollar loophole …

You get the ultimate beginner-friendly shortcut!

But What Makes This Different

To Everything

else out there?

(There’s Just Nothing Else Like It...)

I'm sure you’ve seen a recent WAVE of A.I products hitting the market… 

So what makes our opportunity different, right?

Why should you invest your hard-earned money with us?

Well… Unlike other opportunities, our opportunity actually gets you meaningful results… 

 And it’s truly the world’s first and only…

…A.I-Powered “Fully Automated Bot” system… 

In other words…

It lets you tap into bots in seconds that turn free traffic, into leads, sales and commissions!

Your Life Will Never

Be The same again!

(Give This A Try, It's 100% Risk-Free…)

When you have “this solution” in your hands, your life will literally change for the better…

A solution that will allow you to:

  • Live The Dream…
  • Be Totally Free...
  • ​Spoil Your Loved Ones…
  • Quit Your 9 - 5 Job…
  • Truly Be Fulfilled…
  • ​Feel Successful…

And if you’re a beginner, don’t worry, we have you covered, with over the shoulder video training & a dedicated 24/7 support team waiting to help you should you need it…

With this software in your hands you’ll be unstoppable!

Introducing A World First

“The World’s First A.I-Powered “Bot” 
System That Makes Us $1,497/Day

Copy & Paste A Single Line Of Text To Create Fully Automated 
Bots That Turn Visitors Into Sales & Commissions!

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

Business Leaders Around The World Are Using A.I 

To Change Lives & Increase Their Personal Wealth...

Now It's Your Chance To Join The Fun, Thanks To Refuel!

Why You Must Grab

ReFuel Now...

Beta testers love it & you will too…

HURRY & claim yours before this offer expires

  • Tap Into Set ‘n’ Forget Automated AI Bots
  • Get Unlimited Free Traffic In 1-Click...
  • The Price Goes Up Every 60 Minutes
  • Our Members Get Paid Daily
  • With ReFuel You Don’t Need Anything Else
  • ReFuel Makes Us $ Without Doing Any Selling
  • No Monthly Fees, Register Once & Use Forever
  • Act Fast For $$$$s In Premium Bonuses
  • Do This From Your Phone
  • Zero Overhead Costs
  • Risk-Free 180 day Money Back Guarantee
  • Legendary Customer Support
  • The Price Is Rising, If You Wait You’ll Pay More!

( It’s Never Been So Easy...)

Refuel also lets us drive traffic and make sales from pretty much any type of offer out there in the market… 

It works with, but not limited to:

ReFuel Keeps Sending Us


Notifications Over & Over

(we’re not complaining, would you???)

It all starts when we copy & paste a single line of text into the system …

Then ReFuel takes over, directing commissions into our accounts on repeat.

Because this $2.3 billion dollar market is completely untapped …

The payment notifications keep on coming!

Jenny’s Mom, us, and our beta testers have been doing this for months …

It’s the easiest thing you’ve ever seen!

How Would You Like To Get Non-Stop


Notifications Like These?

ReFuel has already given beta testers true freedom:

  • All the free time in the world
  • Wiped out debt & financial stress
  • Practically effortless paydays from their phones 
  • Able to buy what they want, when they want

Are these things you’d like too?

Then we’re confident you’ll love ReFuel …

If You Can

Use A Smartphone

(even one that’s 10 years old) …

Then You Qualify To Exploit This $2.3 Billion Dollar Online Loophole!

Once you’re inside we’ll show you how to activate your ReFuel app in seconds.

Then, just like it does for us …

It can unleash amazing things for you.

It just takes a simple double tap - something you do dozens of times a day already …

You’ve already seen it working for complete beginners …

Imagine seeing it work for you too!

Here’s Exactly Why ReFuel Is The

All-in-One App You’ve Been 

Waiting For

  • Cutting edge AI technology
  • Push-button simple (proven by newbies)
  • Industry leading support as voted by our customers
  • World-class training from a 7 figure marketer
  • Done-for-you monetization
  • No monthly costs (when you act now)
  • Takes nanoseconds to activate
  • No maintenance or setup hassles
  • Self-updating app
  • Everything you need is included

Refuel Works For ANYONE

(Yes Anyone & Everyone…)

You don’t have to be experienced to use Refuel…
…It will produce results regardless of who you are including:

  • Teenagers…
  • College Students…
  • ​People In Their 20s…
  • ​Housewives…
  • Stay At Home Dads…
  • ​Busy People…
  • The Family Man…
  • Old Age Pensioners…

Literally anyone and everyone From All Walks Of Lives…

Any country… Even if your English is not good…

Refuel is what you’ve been searching for…

Whether you want to:

  • Make Money
  • Do A Side Hustle
  • ​Own An Online Business

This is the missing piece…

In As Little As

47 SecondS...

ReFuel Monetizes An Underground Online Goldmine 

You gotta love the simplicity:

Real results without your own website, content or products.

And because these AI bots are used everywhere, they can:

  • Generate you commissions
  • Build you a buyers list
  • Send you traffic anywhere you want

Sure, ReFuel is lighting fast …

But it also lets you scale as high as you want!

If There’s An Easier Way For Us To Get Sales Online …

It Hasn’t Been Discovered Yet

ReFuel is built from brand-new technology …

… that bypasses ALL the hard work 
so now there’s no:

  • NO building web pages or funnels
  • NO building audiences or followers
  • NO buying ads or paying for traffic
  • NO getting on camera
  • NO creating content
  • NO ‘fake it til you make it’ BS

Just activate the app and skip all the outdated crap
‘cause you don’t need it anymore!

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

You Get Everything You Need To

Clone Our $1,497/Day Business...

(And Fully Customize It Too, If You Want - Perfect For Beginners… )

Brand New
ReFuel AI App

Use the ReFuel app from any device on any platform - mobile, laptop, desktop, Windows, Mac …
we call it ‘income without borders’


You will also get our DFY Ai Bots that pays us $1,497 a day…


No need to do any work whatsoever. Just let Refuel take care of it all on autopilot.

100% FREE
Buyer Traffic Built-In

The ReFuel system comes loaded with built-in traffic …
so you can be up & running fast

REFUEL Built-In Monetization

ReFuel uses AI to monetize an explosive $2.3 billion dollar/year market …
for multiple ongoing revenue streams


We back your success with the best training in the industry … see why customers rate our training #1

Online SuccesS Or You Get Private Coaching

If you don’t get the results you need with ReFuel we’ll PERSONALLY coach you for up to 6 weeks …
PLUS refund your purchase

refuel world class
VIP Customer Support 

Our US-based experts are ready and happy to help you 24/7 …
Ensuring you get the best possible results

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

But Wait There’s More!

Grab ReFuel Now & You Also Get These

FREE BONUSES Worth $1,000s!

(Only Available To Early Action Takers)

$997 Daily ZERO-COST Auto Bot

VALUE - $1,997

Swipe the EXACT same method we’ve used to generate an average of $997 a day every single day for the past 12 months...

It's YOURS absolutely free!

$300 Per Day Auto Affiliate Check

VALUE - $997

Activate the same system we use to get multiple $300 commissions daily. Works perfectly with the system you're buying today.

Again - 100% FOR FREE!

Zero To $1K In Seven Days

VALUE - Priceless

You're invited to the private LIVE online event where we'll reveal how we make $1,000 inside the next few days.

We expect a full house - so turn up early!

First Sale In 60 Minutes

VALUE - Priceless

This unique loophole let us make our first sale in 60 minutes without a list, paid traffic or anything else complicated, it's all revealed to you inside...

Is 60 minutes fast enough for you?

Commercial License

VALUE - Priceless

You'll Also Get Commercial Licence So You Can Sell The A.I Automated Chatbots To Others For $500 - $1,000 Over & Over…


The First 50 Customers Get Access To My
10X Easy Profit Suite (Which Makes Us $100 Per Hour!)

(This Bonus Alone Will Literally Change Your Life Instantly!)

We make $100 PER HOUR with this 10X Easy profit suite...

Only the first 50 people that purchase this app will get instant access to this additional bonus.

If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available, but you MUST ACT RIGHT NOW!

So hurry, as typically our sales pages are seen by 145,000+ people...

Only the first 50 get this special secret profit loophole...

You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $3,997

Yours Absolutely FREE!



*BRAND NEW* The First 50 Customers Get Invited

To Our World Famous UNDERGROUND
$1,000+ PER DAY LIVE Training! 

To give your business the kick start it truly deserves, I want to do even more for you!

If you're one of the first 50 to grab ReFuel, I'll send you a special link inviting you to my $1,000 PER DAY Live training.

On this live call, I'll be revealing a BRAND NEW method that has enabled me to generate 1K in pure profit every single day for the past 6 months.

Typically, this page gets around 334,118 visitors during launch week...

So if you want to be one of the lucky 50...

Take action now!

You’ll get this additional bonus training absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $2,997 - Yours Absolutely FREE!


Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

OK I Want In!

But, It's Going To Cost A Lot, Right? 

Well normally you’d be 100% correct.

Because this breakthrough app is generating $1,497 per day...

For both us & beta testers …

We could easily charge at least $197 a month and that’d be more than fair.

But for an extremely limited time, you’ll get everything for a TINY one-time fee …

When you hurry & act immediately.

If you skip the takeout ONCE … 
Invest in yourself instead … 

You could own this proven app & enjoy 4-star restaurants any time you want!


Urgent Action Required!

(Act Now Or Miss The Boat...)

Only those that get in during the ‘launch special’ will get instant-access at the 1-time price…

People who join later will miss out and pay the full price of $67 a month... 

So if you’re reading this right now that means the 1-time price is still available but you gotta act fast otherwise you run the risk of paying monthly for it later…

You can either pay 1-time now or pay $67 a month ($864 A Year) later... 

The 1-time price is literally a no brainer right?

So what you waiting for?

Click the button below and grab this mind-blowing software at a crazy bargain with both hands right now, before the price goes up:

For A One Time Fee

That’s Less Than Take-Out Dinner!

You don’t see value like this anywhere else.

You’re getting an amazing deal for this cutting-edge app that’s generating at least $1,497 per day.

We wouldn’t blame you for wondering …

Is there a catch?

Well yes there is …

This discount is only open for early-bird customers.

After that, the one-time cost disappears and the price skyrockets to $397 per month (maybe even more).

If we keep the price this low for long, too many people will jump in which *could” force us to throttle the servers …

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

Which Means …

The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Considering you’re still here, it’s fair to say you’re at least curious about what ReFuel can do for you.

Well I don’t know you personally, but I DO know what holds 99% of people back from success online:

Too many moving parts.

Once you have ONE automated system that’s proven to deliver …

You don’t need anything else.

This is your best chance to finally get exactly what you need to break through online …

Don’t miss out.

Click The Button Below Right Now to dive in and get ReFuel.

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

The Choice Is Yours

(make it count)

Choice #1

Keep Doing What
Isn’t Working

You could leave this page without taking action.

But you’re on this page because you want something better for yourself, right?

The problem is, things don’t magically get better on their own.

The good news is, you don’t have to struggle to figure it out by yourself anymore. 

This is your chance to let us help you create a better future.

Choice #2

Get ReFuel

ReFuel is driving real results for real people right now.

Thanks to AI technology and our stealth app...

You can unlock the same $1,497 payments we’re making every single day.

With world-class support from a team that’s always in your corner …

This is your chance to live the life of your dreams:

  • Be debt-free
  • End your struggles for good
  • Take care of your family
  • Travel to dream locations
  • Live the laptop lifestyle

Grabbing ReFuel now is the best possible choice.

Don’t You Want That

Laptop Lifestyle?

(Ofcourse You Do…)

You’ve probably seen that dream lifestyle right… That “Internet Millionaire” lifestyle…

You know the one that you see on Instagram, Facebook & Tikok, where you can:

Choose Where To Live

Drive The Car You Desire

Eat At Expensive Restaurants

Send Your Kids To Private School

Spoil Your Loved Ones

Travel The World

Give Back To Family

Help The Poor

Live A 5 Star Life

That’s the power of getting in on this NEW opportunity early… Automated Bots powered by A.I can give you that lifestyle…

Get in now… Right now, right here… 

Don’t make the same mistake twice…

Hit the button for instant access now so you don’t miss out…

Don’t Decide Now, Just Take

It For A Test-Drive

(It’s 100% Risk Free)

You don’t have to decide today… It's really simple…

If you’re sick of all the BS that is going on the market right now… If you’re worried about inflation and the prices that are going up in the world like there’s no tomorrow…

…If you’re tired of being a victim to the rich billionaires... Refuel IS for you PERIOD!

It was designed to be the life-changing system that you’ve been looking for… Right now, you have the option to stay stuck where you are… Or the option to change your life...

With just a few clicks. We created this for people exactly like you. To help them finally break through.

Take it for a test-drive - it’s 100% risk-free…

To Remove Any Risk From Your Decision

YOUR Results Are Backed By OUR Money

The ReFuel Iron-Clad 180 Day 

100% Money Back PLUS Guarantee

Enjoy ReFuel and every resource (including bonuses) for the next 180 days risk-free.

See for yourself how easily the app can turn a simple double tap into real results.

Our US-based support professionals are here for you 24/7 if you ever have questions.

But in the highly unlikely event you change your mind, for any reason or no reason at all …

You get six full months to claim a hassle-free refund.

PLUS - show us proof that you gave ReFuel an honest try …

And we’ll give you DOUBLE your money back, 
PLUS I’ll coach you one-on-one for 6 weeks!

That’s how serious we take your success.

So invest confidently knowing that we’ll do whatever it takes to get you the results you deserve.

The Price Goes Up Every Hour …

Grab Yours Now To Secure Your



Let’s Recap Everything

You're Getting With ReFuel Now...

  • Brand New ReFuel A.I. App - Value $497/Month
  • Step-By-Step Video Training + Profit Shortcuts - Value $397
  • ReFuel Multi-Monetization System - Worth $997
  • ReFuel Automated Bots - Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #1: $1,497 Daily ZERO-COST Auto Bot​- Worth $1,997
  • FREE Bonus #2: $300 Per Day Auto Affiliate Check - Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #3: Zero To $1K In Seven Days​ - Worth $1,997
  • FREE Bonus #4: First Sale In 60 Minutes​ - Worth $497
  • FREE Bonus #5: Commercial License​ - Worth $497
  • SPECIAL Bonus #1: $100/Per Hour "10X PROFIT" System​ - Worth $3,997
  • SPECIAL Bonus #2: UNDERGROUND $1K/Day LIVE Training!​ - Worth $2,997
  • 180 Day Money Back PLUS Guarantee - PRICELESS

Combined Real World Value Of Everything




Yours Right Now For Just

$147 Per Month

Today, Only 1-Time: $17




Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!

Still Here?

If you’re still reading this page, it tells me one thing…

Maybe you’re worried this is another one of those useless products …

I get it … it’s totally understandable if you’re skeptical.

That’s why I’ve included the ironclad 180 day, better than money back guarantee.

If you aren’t seeing results, just let my team know within the next 180 days, and we’ll refund you …

Heck we’ll even throw in an extra $300 to compensate for your time PLUS give you one-on-one coaching!

So what are you waiting for?

Take that mini leap of faith, and get your license for ReFuel right now.

Can You Really

Afford To Wait?

Even though there’s very limited time to act, I’m not just talking about that.

No matter if you’re Jeff Bezos or Oprah, we all only get so much time on this earth.

The sooner you breakthrough, the better ….

Because let’s face it …

You DON’T have all the time in the world!

And with ReFuel, you have everything you need to see results.

So take the plunge right now...

Life Is Short

Act Now & Be
A Winner!

If you’re like most people who want to “make money online” then you’re typically anywhere from 30 - 65 years old… Which means 1 third to 2 thirds of your life have already gone…

People are dying everyday…

What does that show you?

It shows you life is short… And we only get one chance at this thing called life…

…I’m sure you want to be successful right?

Well this is your chance… Chances like this don’t come often in life…

I’m sure you don’t want to look back in your last moments with regret? …

Click the button below or you could end up being stuck for a VERY long time…

Lock-in your spot now… Do it now, you deserve it:

If You Snooze


(Act Now & Act Fast!)

Here's Why You Must Act Fast...

  • Enjoy Auto Profits Like We Do…
  • ​Finally Breakthrough & Succeed…
  • ​Attain The Laptop Lifestyle...
  • ​The Quicker You Buy The Bigger The Discount…
  • ​Early Action Takers Get The 180-Day Guarantee...
  • ​Get Ahead Of Your Competition...
  • ​Absolutely Crush 2023…

Click the ‘buy now’ button below right before it’s too late… Go ahead, do it now…

Do it for your family…

They deserve this, heck YOU deserve it…

…Give yourself another chance at succeeding…

Click that button NOW:

See You On The Inside…

Glynn & Jenny + Refuel Team!

P.S. If you act now, you also get the [extra premium giveaway]

(99% of beta testers 10X’d their results)

P.P.S. You don’t need to invest in any extra tools, ReFuel includes everything you need

P.P.P.S. ReFuel can more than pay for itself in its 1st day of use - something all beta testers achieved in just a few double taps

P.P.P.P.S. You’re covered by our 180 day, triple your money back guarantee. The only way to lose is if you miss out on this proven system.

P.P.P.P.P.S. If you wait any longer, you could end up paying $297 monthly OR MORE …

So with that said, just click below to get ReFuel now & change your life for the better.

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!


What devices does this work on?

ReFuel is web-based so it works on every device out there. All you need is an internet connection.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, you are covered by our 180-day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab Refuel at the special discount…

Is this really beginner friendly?

Absolutely - the majority of our beta testers were brand new to making money online.
And you also won’t need any technical skills or previous experience.

Are there any monthly costs or fees?

Nope! ReFuel includes everything you need. Because there are no extra costs involved, this is as close to a ‘pure profit’ model as you’ll get.

How long does it take to set up?

Even if you’re brand new you can be up and running in 5 minutes.
ReFuel is a self-updating system that requires no daily maintenance.

What if I need help or support?

We love helping our customers!

Professional, patient & friendly support staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

How do I get started?

Easy! Just click the button below to get in at the lowest possible price before the next price increase …

Grab ReFuel Now At A One Time Price

$197 Monthly - Just Pay $17 Once And Use Forever



 Love It Or Get A Full Refund & Keep It 100% FREE!


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Income Disclaimer

This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. AffiliateTrafficLab.com makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business

Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control.

As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense

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By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice

You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations

In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information.

In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions